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免费好用的外网加速- 烧饼哥加速器

  • 萤火虫vpn

    Gives 1 month supply of food to a hungry child.

  • Gives a child a lifeline: 3 months’ worth of food assistance.

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    Will provide a family with one WFP food box, containing food for a family for an entire month.


免费好用的外网加速- 烧饼哥加速器

  • A month can buy 200 packets of High Energy Biscuits – specially packed with vitamins and minerals for children.

  • Can give daily, lifesaving nutrition treatments to 3 malnourished children.

  • Can give 10 children meals at school, every day of the year.

免费好用的外网加速- 烧饼哥加速器

When you donate to the World Food Programme, your generosity is immediately put to work helping build a world with zero hunger.

You can help save lives during emergencies or give children nutritious meals in school.​

We can’t do any of this without your support.

Please donate now.

免费好用的外网加速- 烧饼哥加速器

* Required Fields

The UN World Food Programme is a 100% voluntarily funded organization. For every $1 you give, 64 cents goes directly to programmes supporting hungry people. 
Right now, 2 cents is used to process your donation and 6 cents helps run WFP and our programmes. 28 cents goes towards raising the next $1 (which under our ten-year plan will fall – averaging out at 22 cents between 2024-2030).

免费好用的外网加速- 烧饼哥加速器

Payment Platform 100% Secure

donate by credit / debit card

Expiry date

The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card

make a payment with Paypal


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